28 March 2025. It’s been a while… Time fly’s and it’s been a bit over 3 years without an update, which doesn’t mean nothing has been happening,… Continue reading “28 March 2025. It’s been a while…”…
18 November, 2021. Brake Setup and the Arduino. The next step from the last post was re-bleeding the hydraulics, and then to see if the changes had worked.… Continue reading “18 November, 2021. Brake Setup and the Arduino.”…
7 November, 2021. Making random parts and the brakes better. Leaks no more. Part of the previous exercises in messing with the engine was to stress test the cooling system… Continue reading “7 November, 2021. Making random parts and the brakes better.”…
26 October 2021. Getting the idle better. Fuel Pressure – Fixing new parts 🙁 This is the new fuel pressure regulator installed. With the pressure sensor, later… Continue reading “26 October 2021. Getting the idle better.”…
September 20, 2021. MPCNC Machining, 3D Printing and Wiring. Again long time not update, the main focus I’ve had is to get the car ready to go to the… Continue reading “September 20, 2021. MPCNC Machining, 3D Printing and Wiring.”…
April 24, 2021. Its got to move. Looking back at my last post for the 21st of February, it seem such a long… Continue reading “April 24, 2021.”…
February 21, 2021. More fiberglass. Firewall covers. After the excitement of getting the engine to run it was back to making fiberglass parts. One of… Continue reading “February 21, 2021. More fiberglass.”…
January 18, 2021. Making it run. With enough of the electrics done, I realized I was in a position to try and start the engine. That… Continue reading “January 18, 2021. Making it run.”…
January 15, 2021. More electrics and some fiberglass. Relays. With the mechanical’s of the drive train virtually complete the wiring had to be worked on next. The first… Continue reading “January 15, 2021. More electrics and some fiberglass.”…
December 26, 2020. Drive shafts. In a change from working on electrics, the axles for the drive shafts arrived in the mail, so I decided… Continue reading “December 26, 2020. Drive shafts.”…